Event Schedule

The Event Schedule command allows you to generate a report showing what is going to happen on a specified date range, the times an event is scheduled and what needs to be prepared for the scheduled Function to occur in a particular room. It contains all the information your staff need to be able to set up the room for its intended use in an efficient and timely manner, it can be further modified to show different types of function (for example, functions with meals only is one of your report options) and may be sorted by Function Room, Booking Name or Date/Time, depending on your preference. The Event Schedule may be may be viewed online, printed out to hand out to your staff, or posted on a Function Room door as desired, making it a useful tool in ensuring the efficient management of all of your facilities and staff in a concise, cohesive manner.

The Event Schedule command is found in the Reports section of the Sales and Catering Area of Skyware.

If your Property does not currently have our Sales and Catering Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at  Sales@SkywareSystems.com.



Date Updated May 07, 2024